Click on a swatch to copy that color to your clipboard via one of ColorBot's built-in formatters, ready to paste into your CSS or code. It's not like they own it or anything; it just makes you look unoriginal and unable to come up with your own ideas. One of the things I really wanted to focus on for this project was making it accessible. Add colors to palettes via text in tons of formats. Built for accessibility first Tabbing through the UI gives a clear idea of where you are with defined: A skip link makes it easy to skip past your palette for keyboard and screen reader users. colorbot

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Intel 32 Mac OS X Detach and pin palettes to your desktop as floating HUD windows for one click access to your colors. If you're not Tapbots, don't use the "…Bot" name. In the long run, I'd love to make this configurable.

One of the things I really wanted to focus on for this project was making it accessible. Export your palettes and groups to share with teammates so everyone on the team is using the same cloorbot on your projects. Think about how much trouble it is dolorbot you to track down that hex value in your css.

Follow ColorBotApp on Twitter, if you're into that kind coloorbot thing. Add colors to palettes via text in tons of formats. I wanted it to be keyboard-friendly, mobile-friendly, and easy to use regardless of ability or input method.

ColorBot – An Better Color Picker for Mac OS X

It also benefits mobile users! ColorBot is a designer and coder's capable assistant: Hit a hotkey to store the color under the mouse to the recent colors list, even when ColorBot isn't the active app. Categories Desktop Apps For You. View and inspect on-screen colors. A skip link makes it easy to skip past your palette for keyboard and screen reader users. A plan of attack for fighting injustice my own way.

Meet ColorBot.

This let me add descriptive text to each of the colors to give a better idea of what was selected for blind and colorblind users. Introducing ColorBot Building a 10kb co,orbot color assistant September 29, Export your palettes and groups to share with teammates so everyone on the team is using the same colors on your projects.


Detach and pin palettes to your desktop as floating HUD windows for one click access to your colors. I added a small section of tints and shades to the selected color by converting it to HSL and raising or lowering the lightness by a few degrees. ColorBot is a color picker Yet, organizing and working with colors is still a mess. Color picker for on-screen colors.

Yet, finding, organizing, and working with colors is still a mess. It's easy to create a format that displays hex, but copies RGB to the clipboard. Sign in Create account. I built ColorBot to analyze the HSL values and give a best guess as to the color, describing not just the hue but also the saturation and lightness.

Hit a hotkey to store the color under the mouse to the recent colors list, even when ColorBot isn't the active app. Build your own color formats using an easy-to-learn syntax.

ColorBot - UXcellence

Thinking of accessibility led to other improvements, primarily in keyboard navigation. Here are a few of my favorites so far: ColorBot is great for teams: I wanted color-blind or blind users to be able to differentiate between the various blocks and know what they were looking at.


Built for accessibility first Tabbing through the UI gives a clear idea of where you are with defined:


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